The OccupyUSA Blog for Wednesday (March 14), With Frequent Updates [View all]
9:50 Email to me from OccupyHomes Minnesota: "On Wednesday, March 14, at 5:00pm Occupy Homes MN will hold a march to US Bank CEO Richard Davis' Minneapolis home as part of the Occupy Homes national week of action on the banks. The march will be led by the family of homeowner Monique White, Vietnam Veteran John Vinje and others facing foreclosure and eviction at the hands of US Bank, demanding that US bank negotiate with them rather than throw them out of their homes. 'We want to respectfully ask Mr. Davis and US Bank to work with customers like me to keep us in our homes. We bailed them out with our tax dollars when they were in trouble at the start of the housing crisis they created, now we need them to work with us to help stabilize our communities, instead of tearing them apart,' said Monique White.
"Since October, protesters have attempted to bring attention to Minneapolis-headquartered US Bank for their ongoing role in the foreclosure crisis. While speaking at an event hosted by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Davis, whose 2011 total compensation topped $18 million, allegedly told homeowners fighting foreclosure and their supporters rallying outside the event to 'get over it.'"
8:50 Occupy to protest Romney fundraiser in NYC today. "Demonstrators will gather outside the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in midtown at 11 a.m. to slam Romney as a '1 percenter.' According to protester Han Shan, faux-supporters of the former Massachusetts governor will be 'dressed to the nines' in top hats and monocles."
8:30 LSU college student: OWS fading, needs a leader, should "stop being hipsters" and wake up.... Huh? The Christian Bale movie Newsies hitting Broadway now as a musical and is said to be OWS friendly now.