that your boss having other workers pressure you into coming to a weekly during-work-hours-on-work-grounds prayer meeting was just like going to a dinner party. And that when my concern was that my performance at work would be based on my attendance at these meetings, I was summarily dismissed as being cold-hearted, greedy, and money-grubbing. Because I guess anyone who doesn't volunteer at their job and pay their rent with smiles and hugs is a greedy bitch
It was incredibly uncomfortable. Even more so since there was a large contingency of people there who perfectly fit the bill of "holy rollers." This wasn't a matter of not fitting in with my peers - it could have been occupational suicide. This was an incredibly vindictive and petty-minded group of folks. I have no doubt that if I publicly stated my atheism, calls to the Ethics Line about made up bullshit would have been in short order. I mean, these same folks called the ethics line on my new boss (that replaced the holy roller) because he wore a pink shirt to work and that made them uncomfortable because only gay men wear pink shirts and they don't believe in gay because of their religion therefore his pink shirt was a religious bigotry.
It all worked out in the end - the interim manager soon quit after being replaced with a permanent manager who ended up being a buffoon, but one that gave me 2x's the amount generally allowed for performance bonus and 1.7x's the amount for yearly raise. I ended up getting close to $10,000 last year because of that.
And on edit - I know the pink shirt story is true because the number of bullshit calls to the ethics line were so numerous and so bullshitty that HR senior management had to come to our office and tell us in no uncertain terms to calm the fuck down and stop abusing the ethics line (which is for fraud, waste, and abuse, not poor wardrobe choices.)
for the record, my new boss was open about his Hindu faith. Surely that couldn't have led to the complaints about pink shirts...or drug dealing out of his office...or any of other calls made to Ethics...WHen HR came, he had been there for roughly 4 months and over 72 ethics line calls had been made about him. He was a douche, but not THAT much of a douche.