Ancient Civilizations of the Americas [View all]
I just recently discovered some online videos on these civilizations that are very good and informative, with views of artwork and architecture to accompany the info about them. Maybe others are already aware of these videos, but I wasn't.
The talks were given in 2015 at Vanderbilt University by archeologist Anna Guengerich who specializes in cultures of the Andes, but has broad knowledge of other ancient American civilizations. She is really good.
There are 5 videos on You Tube. I could not paste links with my phone but you can find them easily with a You Tube search for "Ancient Civilizations of the Americas" or googling for her name. There are a lot of online junk videos on the topics so be sure you get the right ones. You can view each one separately by itself in any order, but she does sometimes reference previous video info so viewing them in order helps.
They are each around an hour long, followed by Q and A. If you have the time and patience, they are worth it. I have the patience because the topics interest me and the time because I am retired. I have studied these civilizations but learned new details and insights from Ms. Guengerich.
Each video is identified on You Tube by its date. These are the dates and topics:
1-15-15 - Aztecs
1-22-15 - Maya
1-29-15 - Inca
2-5-15 - Andes cultures (besides the Inca)
2-25-15 - Cahokia (Illinois)
Enjoy. I did.