of the publication and the author because there are some dubious statements, assumptions, and omissions in this article.
The publication, "The National Interest" was founded by neocon Irving Kristol, father of Bill Kristol who founded PNAC (Project for a New American Century). The PNAC is a blueprint for a Pax Americana, and advocates, among other things, the use of bioliogical weapons to eliminate some ethnicities or 'races' of human beings. Its goals and beliefs were available online back in the early 2000's. I printed a hard copy and read it then.
The credentials of this article's author, Nick Longrich, are given at the end of the article as lecturer of paleontology and evolutionary biology at the University of Bath, UK. Sounded impressive, so why the dubious points that I noticed? I looked him up.
Longrich himself describes his expertise as the study of life in the Cretaceous Period, 145 million to 66 million years ago; the mass extinctions of the Chicxulub crater event (dinosauer and other extinctions); and the evolution of new life forms (birds from avian dinosauers, worms and snakes from small lizards).
In other words, human evolution is not his forte. It shows. There are subtle undertones and hints in his article that some modern humans are superior to other modern humans, according to inherited ancestrai DNA from now extinct ancestors of modern humans.
Perhaps that is why he chose to publish this article in The National Interest, and why they accepted it for publication.
I will point out his dubious, and perhaps biased, statements, assumptions, and omissions in another post.