Islamic country:
1. a sovereign nation with a constitution that explicitly states that the law is based on Islamic law;
2. a sovereign nation with a government that governs largely according to Islamic law, as evidenced by expressed sentiments of major government officials and lack of outcry from Islamic religious leaders of a failure to do so;
3. (loosely, and I don't recall if I intended to include these in the question in my original post) a sovereign nation with a population whose acknowledged religion is vastly predominantly (like over 90%) Islam.
The U.S. may be the most progressive place for a Muslim to live. Unfortunately, we see case after case in the media (which may not be true, of course, but it's all we've got) where a Muslim comes to this progressive country to live, than chooses NOT to live according to our progressive customs*, and in some cases want to drive back progressivism and impose the standards of their religion - and 6 million out of 350+ million is not enough to truly influence policy, without the help of the right wing.
* actually I have more than media reports for the not living by progressive customs. I see shrouded women EVERY F**** DAY (that I go into the city). I might get raked for this, but the truth is I have no idea when I see one, how much "choice" she actually felt she had in choosing to cover her face. Knowing how women often feel compelled to conform to someone else's idea of dress and comportment, rather than her own, regardless of religion, I have to believe that many do not really choose for themselves, but someone else has decided to continue that custom here.