from Nancy Pelosi: [View all]
As families across the country prepare to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Congress joins Americans in wishing our Jewish communities a healthy, sweet new year. May these Days of Awe provide time to rejoice alongside loved ones: reflecting on the challenges of the past year, celebrating its blessings and preparing for all that that lies ahead in 5783.
Indeed, the High Holy Days arrive amid a season of new beginnings across America as our nation continues to recover from the pandemic and forge a stronger, healthier future. For millions, this year has brought the joy of long-delayed family gatherings and the hope of many more to come. But as families around the globe continue to face unthinkable hardship, our responsibility to help repair the world remains as urgent as ever. The scourge of antisemitism continues to plague Jewish communities, while outrageous economic and racial injustices still tarnish the soul of America. This Rosh Hashanah, let us all renew our resolve to stamp out hate, advance justice for all and build a future worthy of Americas children.
On behalf of the United States Congress, shana tovah umetukah!