From The Dittmars-True Divine Nature [View all]
Important Energy Update - July/August 2012
by Matt Kahn
Welcome to a time of unavoidable surrender. This is the theme of the July/August corridor as an influx of energy enters our planet to invite each of us deeper into the grace of letting go. If you find yourself in the midst of processing, which means the old carbon-based DNA is being transmuted as the newly-configured crystalline DNA is activated and integrated throughout the light body and subtle bodies of physical form, be as gentle with yourself as possible. Be compassionate with yourself even when it seems....
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Ascension Update
Recently, Matt has received many new exciting downloads of information from the Universe pertaining to the ascension of humanity. In our next newsletter, Matt will offer more detailed information about the ascension process. In the meantime, here is the first message Matt was offered: While it is widely believed that the first wave of ascension will occur on December 21, 2012, Matt was told the first wave will actually occur on October 24 through October 28th. As Matt received this new information, he curiously looked up in our calendar to see where we were planning to be at that time. Amazingly enough, this four-day period of expansion occurs during the time of our October retreat.
When we initially scheduled the retreat, these dates stood out and felt right. Now we know why. It just goes to show you, there is always a higher plan in all we are guided to choose. During this period of time, an energetic gateway will be opening to activate all souls that radiate a high vibration or heart-centered frequency into a brand new life in the fifth-dimensional Earth plane. Although everyone will be having their own unique experience, for most it will be like having HD installed throughout the projection of your life's movie. In 5D Earth, everything works far more miraculously, although quite a bit differently than how we were taught life works during our time of preparation in 3D Earth.
While the first wave of ascension opens in October, many are still left wondering what will occur on December 21, 2012? Matt was told December will be a time where the collective unconsciousness begins its rapid expansion into a conscious state of being to eventually merge into the 5D Earth plane. What will exactly manifest to create this radical opening is not being specified - simply because you are participating in the first wave of ascension, which means opening up to your highest potential and anchoring a new 5D Earth in October to help spark the illumination of the collective that will be undergoing a dramatic transformation in December.
Please allow this initial ascension update to honor all the dedicated soul work you've already done, and to celebrate your vital role in the transformation of planet Earth. We've been preparing for this shift for many lifetimes. Now it is finally time to unite our hearts and usher in a golden age of consciousness that celebrates the cosmic rebirth of the One eternal soul.