Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing
In reply to the discussion: If you're like me, you struggle with how to INTERACT with others who seem so hard-hearted (edited) [View all]get the red out
(13,660 posts)I have been thinking lately about how much guilt I feel every time I purchase some little something, with all the people suffering around me, then I donate to a charity and still feel like I could never be enough and how dare I change phone plans and get a better phone, or have a car, or healthcare, or whatever... Do I think I "deserve" anything and others don't" I can get into that thinking, like a kind of survivor's guilt in this recession and the way our country is now. I'm not much in the world, but do I deserve health care when so many in this country don't have it?
I doubt anyone who is angered by charity would admit that they might engage in a survivor's guilt of some sort, but I would bet many of them do, I can't be that much more strange than everyone else, well on this point anyway. I just think to myself PLEASE tax everyone with a job more and get some social programs, public health care, and job creation going, help me release this guilt! It is a selfish wish, in a way, but I do know where it comes from. A person can donate to something and still feel really guilty if they get something for themselves with so many still suffering and no way one person can do enough.