The reflection on relationship, then and now; alone, aware and all right, right? NOT with those that don't resonate. This theme shows up repeatedly in articles about this time. Perhaps preparation for something, if only being strong and loving for others?
Return of the Feminine
This is from someone on FaceBook called The Moon Woman:
I felt moved to write this in a private group page created by Shae Matthews to empower the masculine & then thought to share it with y'all! 'I reckon a mature man is one who acknowledges & takes responsibility for his shadow (wounded aspects) by taking proactive steps to heal & empower himself beyond his early conditioning. He has taken the inner descent to awaken his own inner mother / lover so he doesn't need to possess or be taken care of by a woman. And he has explored all the aspects that make up his masculine psyche so they each are afforded expression in his waking life, enabling him to stand tall in his foundation gender whilst expressing his soul self which is yin/yang. A mature man has individuated from his father's view of him & acknowledges his need for brotherly love in the form of men's circles on a regular basis to share his life lessons in a spirit of humility & vulnerability. A man who is mature has made a commitment to fulfill his potential so he may serve the greater good (Spirit) doing that which awakens his inner light. For without a purpose a man is but a lost boy. To find his purpose he must first find himself & to find himself it is an irony that he must find his other half within. Blessings on all of you undertaking this Hero's Journey - we celebrate your efforts!' to hear your thoughts as Venus highlights our yearning to heal the gender war, inner & outer!