Between multiple messy bouts of dog diarrhea, the breakup of our daughter's marriage (her decision), our much loved but very upset son-in-law's deciding at 6 a.m. Sunday to move all his stuff out of our house to his storage locker, trying to entertain pair of lovely houseguests, and trying to give emotional support to both our daughter and our son-in-law... I'm about ready to drop on the floor.
I managed to make a curry with cauliflower, peas and potatoes over rice for dinner tonight, but I was too upset to eat more than a bite. The daughter and the houseguests left around 2 to drive back to NY (they all work as domestic help for a horrible couple). The son-in-law left to spend time with his Little Brother (he's a volunteer Big Brother) and I suspect is now drowning his sorrows with his buddies in D.C. He's headed to Ireland and the UK Wednesday on a rugby-playing tour with his teammates, then coming back, packing what he can, and moving home to Houston where he grew up.
Unfortunately, he lost his job a year ago. She took a nanny job in Westchester County, NY, and they gave up their apartment in Maryland in February. He moved in with us and applied to a grad MBA program in Houston, thinking she'd join him when her contract ends in July. Meanwhile he's been volunteering for medical experiments at NIH and doing a few construction jobs to pay the bills, and was more than halfway through remodeling two bathrooms in our house. We are paying him for the work and he is doing a fantastic, meticulous job. I hope he can finish it when he gets back from the UK in a couple of weeks, but I know it's painful for him to stay here. They were together more than six years, no kids.
And I think part of the reason for both dogs having upset tummies is the emotional tension of the past 3 days.