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In reply to the discussion: ~ Dreaming & Intuition Thread for Spring! ~ [View all]kentauros
(29,414 posts)Yes, he really did
I wasn't going to post this one, until I saw felix' post above about more construction and buildings. This one has them and some other engineering stuff.
Now, Mr. Coburn in context, with what I remember.
I was in the basement of what seemed like either a derelict building or just an old one with old technology. Kind of steampunk-like. One of my former coworkers (Autocad drafting work) was there, and I know we got lost at one point. I know he went up the stairs, that were dingy and moist, no carpet, just metal, like on a ship. I followed him and ended up in a room with some engineers and maybe some other designers. I think my father was there with the other engineers (he's a petroleum engineer, retired.)
They had a task for us, to design a means of transmitting electricity because the normal grids were decaying and being torn out. They wanted something along the lines of a pipeline, though it would be small and use Tesla technology to transmit the power. I think the design was mostly done, and I was there more to give my approval to the project (I've never worked as a manager on any project in my life!)
The design was actually already prototyped, as a plastic pipe with very wide-flared ends and filled with ash. I don't know what kind of ash, but it was plant-based. Why that was considered a good conductor of electricity, I'm not sure, but it was the design we were going to use.
Okay, so we had our design, now we just had to deliver it. I think we were in the same building as the CEO or whomever it was up at the top of the place. I took the pipe and went upstairs, found an elevator and went up almost to the top. There was an atrium up the center, and glass walls all about. I saw the lanky (and younger) James Coburn in a suit (light gray maybe with some light blue in it.) He was complaining to someone and asking where I was when he saw me through the glass walls and I had to take another elevator up a half-level. A few more stairs inside of his office (like three or four) and I could hand the thing over. Although, I don't think I had it in my hand by then (you know how dreams are!) I was really only there to say we had completed the design.
At that point he said we had done it wrong, or that I was wrong in my choice of design, something like that. He asked where the toroidicon (I think that was the term) was and I thought he had it. He shouted at me that he didn't, but the tone between each of us was kind of joking about it all. He kicked at something like a car tire and said that was the size of the toroidicon we'd be using. I said I thought we'd be using one the size of the top of the building (think of the tower Tesla built in Colorado.) He didn't say anything to that, but we were laughing about it by then.
I felt like it had been some kind of test and in the dream I even knew this or felt it, thus my joking with him when we met. Nothing much else that I can remember happened after that, and I woke up for the day.
I've had actors in dreams before, but I think this was one of the weirdest ones, though thankfully not disturbing (I had a truly bizarre and disturbing one about twenty years ago that involved a celebrity/character.) I wonder if he was visiting...?
James Coburn