Tuning in : Spirit channelers in America [View all]
just watched the dvd--i thought it was great; just wanted to share this & wondered if anyone else has seen it. it's from 2008--here's the summary"
"Channeling is a practice dating back to antiquity whereby an individual, usually in a trance state, appears to make a psychic connection with a spirit being. The channeler is then able to act as a dimensional go-between in bringing other humans in contact with the entity, as well as voicing messages from the entity. TUNING IN showcases six engaging American channelers and their non-physical counterparts : Lee Carroll - channel for Kryon, Shawn Randall - channel for Torah, Geoffrey Hoppe - channel for Tobias, Wendy Kennedy - channel for the Pleiadian Collective, Darryl Anka - channel for Bashar, and John Cali - channel for Chief Joseph. Each was filmed in their home or work place. It was the first time the filmmakers had met them and none of the topics of discussion were brought up before the cameras rolled. The result is remarkable: across space and time it appears the entities are speaking as one, delivering a clear and profound message of empowerment for humankind." -- container back cover.
i also recently watched Astral city, a spiritual journey
it's Portuguese & subitled
Summary: "Based on the bestselling novel 'Nosso Lar' (Our Home) by medium Chico Xavier, the film tells the story of Andre Luiz, a successful doctor who experiences an enlightening spiritual awakening after his death. When he wakes up in the spiritual world, he embarks on a new journey of self-discovery and transformation, from his first days in a dimension of pain and suffering, until when he is rescued and taken to the spiritual Astral City."
(from a worldcat.org search)
it was pretty good/interesting too. imo