hey I just hit the trifecta [View all]
I was about to take my car to get its winter tires replaced with summer. Last fall they told me I'll need new summer soon, so I was mentally prepared to outlay for that distinct possibility. Then in the last 2-3 days, my emergency brake like started coming on every so often. Looked it up in the book: uh-oh brake fluid low and/or brake pads warn. Then the car started idling rough this morning, and on the way to the mechanic, exhaust pipe blew (it better not be a muffler, which midas just replaced last fall!).
So instead of hanging around the mechanics waiting for tires to be done, we booked an appointment for next week. That was amazing, since they normally book 2 weeks in advance they are so busy. And their first opening was a good day for me to boot.
Now mentally preparing for *much* bigger bill than anticipated. I guess I should have known, since when I balanced my checking account I had a few dollars left over due to buying only 100 instead of 200 gallons of heating oil.