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For all his prima-donna grandstanding he is more than concerned at the moment. He has a catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto in Leo at 18 degrees, which caught the August 1st triple whammy and continues on till mid October, returning May 2023. Ebertin describes this influence as calamities of great consequence. In addition he has the growing storm (of typhoon dimensions) building up towards November/December with his Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto, exact in four months but in effect before and after.
Plus a disappointing tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Moon midpoint and Mars/Jupiter midpoint late October to early January 2023. He does have one lucky Jupiter midpoint transit late October to mid this November so something will be going right in the midst of the ceiling falling on his head.
He will have some blips of good fortune in 2023 in April, June and July but is also facing a grind-to-a-halt Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn, exact this time next year as well.
Ebertin is the absolute go to guy for Astrolohers