to follow my astrological posts I suggest you study the craft. All astrology predictions or proposed explanations of referenced planetary positions with those in a horoscope at the time of an experience (physical or emotional) are opinions or theories. That is why I usually do not spoon feed readers with specifics but leave it to them to apply their own.
In these cases I think aspects that involve Pluto are the same as what he terms "A foreground Pluto".
From Donald Bradley's "Solar and Lunar Returns" ( an excellent book for the information you seek):
"A foreground Pluto promises a lively period, for that planet may be relied upon to establish precedents, dramatically bring to end eras in the life, and just as dramatically draw back the curtain on new. Pluto's effects are swift, sensation-creating, and record-breaking. It denotes "firsts" in the life; the native usually plays the leading role in the drama which transpires. For all its "drive" and nerve-fraying action, Pluto tends the native toward slothfulness, taking the "easy way out," for among Plutonian traits is the desire to shirk obligations, not play by the rules, or hold up one's own end of the bargain, etc. From this fact it is apparent that Pluto's extremes include those of ambition and complete lethargy. Pluto also is prominent with regard to freak accidents, "miracles," and inexplicable phenomena, such as "accidentally" running across an old friend on a street hundreds of miles away from the scene of your previous acquaintanceship. Such "fateful" happenings (they are more frequent in a lifetime than pure chance would allow) seem always to take place under prominent Plutonian influences."