Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing
Showing Original Post only (View all)So Mercury is retrograde, in Scorpio [View all]
Interesting article:
Beware of paranoid thinking when Mercury goes retrograde in intense Scorpio. Life, in general, is painful right now, and it makes sense that you and those around you may be hyperaware of your surroundings. This particular retrograde may make us a bit extra suspicious, even of those we deeply trust. However, now is not the time to turn against friends and loved ones unnecessarily. We need all the community we can get. Work on a self-care and mindfulness practice (meditation is a great place to start) to help stay grounded.
Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac, so this Mercury retrograde could reveal skeletons in some closets. For example, if you or your partner has been unfaithful this year, that may come out. During this retrograde, we will see people for exactly who they are, and sometimes this can be deeply upsetting. But it also means that loyalties will be revealed and you can offer people around you the ability to do better by you, should you be willing to give second chances.
We can expect the usual technological mishaps, such as texts sent to the wrong people or the internet cutting out when you need it most. This isn't the time to panic just try and double-check everything before hitting send, and build extra time into your schedule when traveling and relying on technology. When it comes to romance, an ex or two may attempt to come back into your life. Exes are not always evil and it's your choice how to respond. An opportunity for closure may arise, or perhaps you'll realize you're in a place where you can even be friends. When in doubt, consult your trusted friends and therapist, if you have one.
You likely didn't need the stars to tell you that these last few weeks before the election are going to be a wild ride but the fact that the last day of this Mercury retrograde falls on Election Day certainly feels like it makes sense. The weeks leading up to it have already been very messy, but when Mercury retrograde comes into play there will be the added possibility of delayed results, technological issues, and uncounted votes. No matter what happens, it's crucial to keep an optimistic outlook. One could view the final day of a retrograde occurring on Election Day as a sign that it's the end of an era and true to Scorpio, the start of something much better. So as long as you try not to stress, practice self-care, and beware of paranoia, you should kick this retrograde's ass.
(I am not an astrologer - just thought this was quite interesting, as the retrograde ends on lection day. Hoping for an abrupt end to the dystopian nightmare we have been living for the past 4 years.)
I hope this is helpful info.
PS - Yale is offering their very popular "Science of Well Being" online course free. This is very good stuff and the first video is available immediately upon sign up. Friends who have tried it said they felt better after viewing the first segment. Could help to ward off the Scorpio paranoia mentioned above.