. . . but I don't understand why everyone is talking about the upcoming February 2 as being a good thing. I'm afraid I just don't understand and would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain it to me.
This is what I'm seeing so far:
The first chart is for the "birth" of the Supreme Court. OK, I get that.
But the Supreme Court has moved from New York (as shown in the first chart) to Washington, DC. So the second chart shows the "birth" relocated to Washington, DC. OK, I get that, too.
And the third chart is a secondary progressed chart for the Supreme Court at the approximate time of RBG's death (may she rest in peace). Secondary progressions are probably the weakest part of my astrological knowledge, which may be why I'm not understanding, but what I'm seeing in the third chart has nothing to do with February 2.
I do see, however, Venus and the Moon are conjunct angles. The Moon signifies the People in mundane astrology, and its close conjunction to the descendant (which I believe also represents the People) would seem to indicate to me that We the People are going to be very active with SC doings.
Also, Venus and the Moon both represent women in mundane astrology. So it's not just We the People, it'll be We the Women who will be making ourselves heard.
With a Mercury-Neptune conjunction, there is likely to be some muddled thinking or some hidden communications that we won't be privy to. And maybe this will have something to do with financial shenanigans, since it's in the 2nd house?
Comparing the progressed chart to the natal chart, I see the Eq is conjunct the ICs (quite close in the NY chart). But I haven't the faintest idea what Eq stands for! I've never seen it before. Could someone please enlighten me?
I believe that most mundane astrologers don't read progressed charts as a stand-alone, as I am here, so maybe I'm talking through my hat. But it does seems to make a certain amount of sense.
There's more here, and I could go on and on. But that's my quick take.
And I really would appreciate it if someone could tell me the importance of the upcoming February 2 and what Eq means. Thanks!