I mentioned I had a burn pile and it being Equinox shouldn't we take advantage and have ceremony. She brought over 3 young Goddesses and I started a small fire a little ways from a 30 foot long 5 foot high brush pile I had been waiting to light up on the right rainy day. Today turned out to be a much greater day than I had imagined. We cast a circle around the small fire and then pulled from the large pile and fed the fire casting in all the undesirable we wanted transformed. Sang a few rounds of "She changes everything she touches, everything she touches changes" among other prayers and songs. I brought Rosemary to offer in remembrance of the ancestors. We burned off so much undesirable one of the Goddesses asked if we could move coals over to the small remains of the original pile. I thought it a genius idea. We did that and opened the circle around the second fire. Said our "Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again." The magic of cooperative co-creation transformed a large pile of brush into two piles of ash and charcoal for use in the garden.
The Goddesses departed, I was brought a glass of wine, and someone brought some old shelves and wooden pallets left behind by a past visitor to be transformed by the fire. This old guy with Parkinson's only stumbled once and didn't fall, so I considered it a good afternoon, I came up to my home to warm up coffee and chicken soup.
That's my report on conditions. I asked to fire to take the prayers of my fellow DUers to where ever needed.
Thankful of the Many Blessings Bestowed upon me, I seek the path of being a blessing myself.
You all take care in these transforming times and exercise your Magic.