We're obviously tapping into something. But we're just interpreting it differently because we basically have a limited brain due to it being completely physical. I believe in higher selves who give us information but our brains, or our minds, if you think in those terms, tend to 'interpret' with the limitations of our personal history. Your interpretation of Bernie being President is what triggered my urge to share my interpretation because of the rather strange way he's coming on the scene.
I think of Bernie as a force of Nature rather than as just merely a human being although I also think he isn't aware of it. I believe he just declared his candidacy because he felt compelled to do something extreme and the groundswell he has created even surprises him.
I do know that I had stopped coming to DU because you can see by my post count that I've been around during Presidential election years. The fighting gets insane and I simply wanted nothing to do with it. My politics are what Bernie's are. I'm a Democratic Socialist who believes my taxes should go to paying for free housing where needed, free education for every single citizen and free health care for all as well as free enterprise and Capitalism and elections. I'm not happy that instead it goes to maintaining the largest military behemoth in the history of humanity.
But Bernie woke me up the possibilities, much to my surprise, that we might actually save the planet and humanity and now I'm involved politically again.