Molly's June Astrology eading [View all]
I know this is late, but I just found this the other day and thought you would like to check it out.
here's a snippet
The Full Moon on June 12 highlights expansive, optimistic, adventurous Sagittarius. The Moon in mutual reception with her ruling planet, Jupiter, brings a philosophical, visionary few days when ideas come together and the big picture makes sense. Trust your inner knowing and creative vision. Uncomfortable feelings may bubble up to the surface as Mars turns up the heat on Pluto, god of the Underworld, June 12 and 13. Those feelings, if allowed to remain unaddressed and unresolved, are prone to fester and erupt above the surface around June 23-24. It is better to be aware of it than to bottle it up inside and have the bomb go off at an unplanned and potentially damaging moment.
Look for common ground June 15-16 as the Gemini Sun meets up with the Moons Node in Libra, generating connections and opportunities to team up with others. Mercury crosses back into Gemini on June 17, signaling a chance to review and reconnect with people and ideas that last showed up in mid to late May. Its likely you will find something of tangible value as Venus sextiles Jupiter around June 17-18. These are also great days to offer items for sale, as prices tend to be higher. The upbeat vibe lends itself well to dates, meetings, and other get-togethers.