My Saturn return is not until next yr, 24 degrees. I'm a 29 degree Sun Scorp, so I'm at the tail end....the STINGER! LOL
My first return produced my marriage. I'm excited to see what this one brings next yr. Hopefully something BETTER this time! LOL
I have been the "fixer" or "the one who deals w/the unpleasant social dealings" in my family. I don't mean in the diplomatic, Libran manner, but in the "in your face", "halt & desist" Scorpion manner. LOL You & I have discussed our childhood issues & our mothers b/4. I think I am finally coming to terms w/that relationship. Again, I am not solely shouldering the responsibility for that anymore. It held me back far too long. I refuse to allow it to hog-tie my worth anymore.
I'm finished doing the "dirty work" for others, not to mention giving up my life & desires for them & their desires. And believe me, when a Scorpio is DONE w/something......They.are. DONE!!! Never looking back. I think that is because we are so INVESTED in things that once we analyze & make a decision, we have hashed it over in our minds so much that the decision is the ultimate end. No more wasting time on it.
Anyway, like so many others these days, I believe we are realizing that we can no longer afford to not be there for ourselves. I don't mean in a selfish way, but again, a healing way. So many in our generation (especially the women) have been enabling others for far too long. We cannot move forward as a species if each of us is not carrying our own weight & responsible for our own decisions & actions. When we enable others, we disable the growth of our species. (That's my theory & I'm sticking to it! )
I'm also setting my intention. Beware the pouncers & leaches!