Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing
In reply to the discussion: 9/11 Conspiracy zodiac theory... IS THE MOON IN THE 7th HOUSE? [View all]panfluteman
(2,168 posts)FYI, when 9-11 happened, the Moon was void of course in the sign of Gemini, the twins. It was a Tuesday, which is ruled by the planet Mars, and Mars has to do with war, aggression and military attacks.
Gemini, the sign of the Twins, has an obvious connection with the Twin Towers. At that time, there was also an opposition between the outer planets Saturn, symbolizing the established political and economic power structures of our world, also in Gemini, the sign of the Twins - the economic powers that be who were inside the Twin Towers, and transiting Pluto, that was in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of religions and philosophies. Pluto is associated with extremism and terrorism, so these were religious terrorists who were opposed to the Western economic powers that be - Pluto in Sagittarius opposing Saturn in Gemini.
The Moon is the busiest planet in the heavens, and at least 85% of the planetary aspects that occur on a daily basis involve, and are made by, the Moon. The period between the time that the transiting Moon makes her last major Ptolemaic aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine or opposition) to another planet while transiting through a sign, and the time that she enters the next sign, is known as the Moon Void of Course period. During the Moon Void of Course period, things are subject to hidden factors, and can easily slip in unnoticed under the radar - and that is what the terrorists took advantage of in slipping through airport security. Interesting, isn't it? This has led many astrologers to speculate that the 9-11 terrorists, although ostensibly Muslim fanatics whose religion condemns astrology, were secretly practicing it and using it.
As for the song, "Aquarius", the lyrics about the Moon being in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligning with Mars - and the term "aligning" specifically refers to the opposition aspect in astrology, actually describe key features of the electional astrology chart for the opening performance of the Rock Musical "Hair". In other words, the producers of "Hair" purposely chose a certain auspicious date and time, with these particular planetary features, for the opening performance of their musical. Through electional astrology, you can choose an auspicious date, time and place for any major life event, when the planetary energies are harmonious and favoring your creative intentions for the event.
When the Moon is in the 7th house of partnerships and peer relations, we are in an outgoing, sociable mood, and also one that is conducive to friendships and romance. When Jupiter aligns with or opposes Mars, there is a bold, progressive and generous energy in the air. These are some of the key planetary energies that the opening performance of "Hair" wanted to utilize. Astrology was believed in, practiced and utilized by the producers, cast and crew of that musical.
As for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, although there have been many events and auspicious looking planetary configurations that many have said marked the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, it actually will not begin in earnest for another 400 years or so. How do I, as an astrologer, know this? Because of the current Ayanamsha, which is the number of degrees that the Spring Equinox Point of the Tropical Zodiac has preceded, or moved backwards from, the 0 degrees Aries point of the Sidereal Zodiac. Western astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac, which is based on the solstices and equinoxes of the solar year, whereas many eastern forms of astrology, most notably Vedic Astrology, uses the Sidereal Zodiac, which is based on the actual fixed stars and constellations that the signs of the zodiac were originally named after. With a current Ayanamsha of about 24 degrees of precession, there are about 6 more degrees left before the Vernal Equinox Point of the Tropical Zodiac precesses back from the sign of Pisces - we are currently in the Age of Pisces - into Aquarius. And the rate of equinoctial precession is backwards by about one degree every 72 years; do the math.
Since the sign of Pisces is the sign of faith and belief, the Age of Pisces, which began at around the time of the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, in which Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman empire, and hence of the dominant Western world - and Christianity is, above all, the religion of faith and belief. Also, the Fish, or Vesica Piscis, is a prominent Christian symbol, and many of Christ's early followers were fishermen.
By contrast, the sign of Aquarius is the sign of Knowledge, of science and technology, of bold progressive ideas, of spiritual liberation. As Jesus said, "You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." Aquarian ideas are dominant in the modern New Age movement.
Seeing how the Vesica Piscis and the early fishermen followers of Jesus presaged the advent, some 300 years later, of the Age of Pisces, others have looked for trends and events that will presage the advent of the Age of Aquarius. And this seems to be mainly in the advent and great progress of modern science and technology, which values knowledge over faith.