I'm going to argue against that because the father or other family member would surely have remembered taking a photo of his son in the same red shirt he was buried in.
What are the chances the guy was using a film camera? About 20%, I'd guess.
I teach a class where I have to keep track of the percentage of people using digital just-about-anything and it was projected that about now we'd be at 80% of the market using digital cameras over film. Film is highly prized by the more artsy photographers and it's still very much alive.
Here's a figure for Britain from a 2012 article:
Figures show that 80 per cent of us use a digital camera or camcorder, with 40 per cent relying on them exclusively.
This compares to the 45 per cent who use their smartphone.
My other reason for thinking it's probably "real" is that I don't think this type of thing is that unusual. I don't want to say I take photos of ghosts "all the time," but I have had quite a number of apparitions show up. My last one was during Sandy, when I posted here about the African-American soldier on the side of my property.
And one other thing--if you read the statistics for people who have reported an experience of someone close to them who has crossed over and then reached them in some way, it's actually quite high. I can't recall that figure off the top of my head but it's very high for couples. I would think it would be similarly high in a parent-child relationship.