Mysterious Event at My House [View all]
On Thursday night I went out my front entryway to get something from outside. At that time I did not notice anything unusual in my entryway. I came back in and locked the screen door and front door behind me, as is my custom.
The next day I opened the door and there was soil on the floor of the entry. The entry is a little glass/wood structure, probably about 5' x 4'.
The soil was spread out evenly and part of it was on the front door mat. It was primarily in the right hand corner of the entry. In it were little stones and even the top of a milk jug.
The doors are always kept locked, even the screen door. I opened the door and the soil was a bit piled up to the door, indicating that the soil had been placed there from the inside, not the outside.
I was puzzled, so I asked my spouse about it. He knows nothing. I called two other friends who have access to my house and neither know anything about it.
One friend came over to look at it and said that obviously some soil had fallen out of a potted plant. The only problem with that theory is that there are no potted plants in the house. Everything is outside now.
There is a small windowbox-type arrangement, but it has been kept in the entry way. It was examined and nothing about it was disturbed. This amount of soil could not have fallen out of it. All roots and everything about this planting show that this could not be the source of the potting soil on the floor.
I considered an animal dragging it in, but how? And why? There is no place a little animal could gain entrance there.
A couple nights before this happened, I was reading a magazine that told about a man in England to whom oddball objects appeared. It happened after his wife's death. I looked for the story and can't find it, but I'll look again and post back about this.
Also, I'll take pics of the soil in the entryway.
There have been numerous ghost sightings, etc. here, so it wouldn't surprise me if this were paranormal. Not saying it is, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.