Update on Belladonna [View all]
So I was walking my dogs this morning and there I saw, for the first time in months, Belladonna sitting on the deck of the nearest of my "2 kitty-corner" neighbors, looking like she lived there.
She was gone when by the time we returned, but I could see the neighbors (who just moved in a week ago) were home, so after putting the dogs in, I headed over there.
It turns out that my first belief, when I saw Bella "trapped" in a house looking out a window, was likely true. The neighbors that I suspected had likely taken her captive for a couple weeks at the other "kitty-corner" house. She now hangs out at their two houses. The new people said when they were moving in, she walked right into their home like it was hers. She saw that Bella hung out at the house next to hers, so asked them if she was their cat and they said no. But both sets of neighbors have been feeding her because they "feel sorry for her" although they noticed she's really fat and healthy. Not one person ever bothered to ask around if she might be missing from a home somewhere.
I'm really pissed now. They essentially taught her to stay at their houses, the one's who moved away 2 weeks ago essentially abandoned her when they did that. And none of them was responsible enough to try to figure out if a plump healthy cat that suddenly appeared in the area belonged to anybody.
And then, having semi-adopted her and taught her to stay with them, inviting her into their houses and such, none of them was sufficiently responsible to get her spring shots. So I let the new people know that she disappeared before I could take her for her rabies and feline leukemia shots, so they may want to be careful since they have 2 indoor cats that they bring her inside to visit with.
She's going to catch her the next time she sees her and bring her to me. I'll crate her up and get her shots.
But I'm really pissed. I have seriously stupid assholes for neighbors.