As infants, that power is one of (literally) life and death. Once we age enough to approach self sufficiency, we start to pull away from that mother figure that was so essential to our early survival. Her faults and flaws loom large in our minds and we reject that vehemently. That is as it should be, really, because parenting is something that needs to be a finite thing in the purest form. Pretty much a natural progression that everybody deal with in some way or another. It gets more complicated, however, when the mom is damaged in serious ways like addiction or abusive behaviors.
You speak of your mom in this dream as someone that you feel has endangered you. Clearly, in the dream, you were not comfortable with her in "the driver's seat." Sounds like, from what you've said here, that you do feel your mom is not competent to "drive" since she's dealing with hoarding issues as well as some competency issues in dealing with her affairs--she needs help. Pretty literal message, as far as that part goes, I think...
The section of the dream where you talk about the accident is less clear cut for me. I remember well how injured you were in that car accident a few years ago, and I have NO idea how that has impacted on your views of both life and your interactions with it. As I recall, you did triumph over it all, and you have emerged whole from it--so I am assuming that you are coming at that with a foundation of strength. Other than the loss of control--which was a part of the earlier section when your mom was still driving--is there something else at work there for you? (You don't have to answer this--it is intended to be food for thought!) Are you afraid that your mom and her issues are gonna take some of your own control out of your life? Clearly they are at work--if you are having to take time to go help her--so I'm wondering if you are warning yourself to watch out for this...
As for the vampire/blood sucking aspect of the ending parts of the dream, I'm also wondering if you are worried that somehow your mom and her issues are gonna suck you back in or "suck the life outta you." The birth control pills / phone thing with the girl feels significant, but I dunno why. Your brain was in overdrive with this one, and you were sending yourself a lot of information in that dream. I hope you can work it out!