The Universe picks metaphors or name plays to illustrate things [View all]
Well, that's how it seems to me.
The name of the case that resulted in miscegenation laws being found unconstitutional was Loving v. Virginia. Loving -- what a beautiful name to attach to a case that talked about love transcending race and ugly laws.
Sometimes the metaphor or name play is funny. Remember the female astronaut who drove cross-country to take a whack at her rival but was caught before she carried our her plan? Her last name was Nowak, pronounced as "no whack." She lost her chance to whack her rival! Or how about Bernie Medoff, whose last name was pronounced as "made off?" Bernie made off with a lot of moolah before things caught up to him.
This brings up the most prominent things that happened in the last week, at least in the US.
The Boston Marathon bombers used pressure cookers. The pressure cooker has some symbolic meaning here. I think many of us live our lives in a pressure cooker. Stress creates fractures, the fractures become weak points and an explosion finally follows along the fracture lines. I just feel there is something here of symbolic significance but have not quite figured it out.
Another major event was the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX. A fertilizer is supposed to make the Earth verdant and abundant. However, the fertilizer here ended up killing life here, not helping any life form grow. Is this a way for the Universe to tell us that our ideas of fertilizing the earth are ass-backwards?
Somehow I think both events concern the Earth. This is Earth Day, after all. The Earth is under tremendous pressure, like a pressure cooker ready to explode. Our environment is hurt through global warming, floating plastic islands, acidification of the oceans, loss of ozone, etc. The Earth has had several earthquakes in the past week.
What do you think?