and Ralfee Finn gives a big heads up with the planetary pileup in Aries. swell. [View all]
The planets are rambunctious this week, and because theres no time out for the sky, daily life reflects this unsettled astral activity through unruly moods and attitudes. Mature adults melt down like five-year olds and normally cautious individuals leap into all sorts of uncertain situations. Expect to be overwhelmed mostly by overstimulation, and also anticipate high levels of emotional sensitivity, yours or others, as the risk for impetuous behavior combines with nearly undeniable urges. Its spring, and were sprung at least in the northern hemisphere. Some of us emerge from winters hibernation hungry for everything, and those ravenous appetites motivate a multitude of impulsive decisions. Others stubbornly refuse to leave their caves. Most of us simply need a moment to adjust to the new air, and while patience for that adjustment process is sure to feel like an impossible dream, it would be wise to make every effort to take your time.
Mars and Aries, as well as Mars, in Aries, are the source of this weeks physical and psychic turbulence. Mars needs to move, especially when its in its Home Sign of Aries. Mars also needs to compete, to win, and to conquer, which is why its the archetype of the athlete, the warrior and the explorer. Mars signifies the need to push physical boundaries by doing battle, whether that battle is physical, ideological, spiritual, or imaginal. All of the descriptions of Mars are also true for Aries, the Sign that needs to forge ahead, lead the team, and boldly go anywhere at any time. And when Mars transits Aries all those Martian qualities are squared no, make that cubed.
Currently, Mars is conjunct Uranus, in Aries. This is a highly volatile combination because Uranus, already unstable, amplifies that Martian need to move and that excites nervous systems beyond reasonable limits. Sleep is disturbed. Tempers are testy. And the need to relieve the tension can turn a minor brouhaha into a major brawl. Pay attention: This conjunction is exact and separating on March 22, and as many of you know by now, we dont feel the full effect of these pernicious interactions until they start pull apart. The problem with this particular separation is Pluto: As Mars disengages from Uranus it forms a square to Pluto that amplifies the potential for violence. This square is exact and separating on March 26.
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