by the Catholic Church. I'm sorry, but to me the Catholic Church represents the deliberate killing of that young Indian dentist by refusing to remove her nonviable and expiring fetus while she begged for them to save her life. The Bible is filled has numerous examples that imply or practically state outright that life begins at birth, with the first "breath of life." And the treatment of women in the Irish laundries. And the protection of pedophile and rapist priests.
There is a rumor that he has banished Cardinal Law, but it's not clear whether that was from a dinner or from more. Hopefully it is true and that it is the beginning of cleaning up an incredibly corrupt organization. Because that is how many outsiders view the Catholic Church. A mafia masked behind a cloak of fake spirituality.
In any event, his vows of poverty mean little until the Catholic Church stops conning elderly widows out of their money, sell their massive holdings, stop buying our political process and start spending their ill-gotten gains on the poor. They need to start walking the talk.
He also has said that the Church will not be involved in politics. That sounds good, but from what little I've read, he was heavily involved in politics in Argentina. Again, talk is cheap.
I don't think the timing was an accident either. I think their conscious thinking was to get a Pope in place in time for Easter. I think the last Pope's resignation was all about the pedophile priest scandal that was about to blow up big time with the release of previously hidden documents that proved he had knowledge of the pedophile priest protection ring.
But Rick has been warning us of upcoming Plutonian purges for months and months now. The scandals have been blowing up right and left around all the corruption in our financial and political system.