excellent Ann Ortelee this week [View all]
Weekly Weather February 25, 2012
Another week in non linear time. All the personal planets ~ Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun as well as Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces. Completely NON-LINEAR time. It isnt directly clear. It is unclear but it is SOOO feeling
the feelings are where we are at
looking deep into the unconscious to see the Ultimate truth.....
....Venus enters Pisces on Monday, putting all the personal planets in water for 24 days or more
Venus is exalted in Pisces so we have the opportunity to make good EXALTED choices in our relationships over the next 4 weeks. And a good EXALTED choice may be what Justins friend did ~ ending a relationship that isnt working for you. Or seeing that you need to end it and starting to move towards swimming away from it....
.....So double check what you hear and react emotionally to this week. Double check that you werent misunderstood or not heard. Make sure you know the email actually went through! Mercury is retrograde AND joining NEPTUNE AND in a sign he hates AND aspecting the Nodes of Fate. So important communication problems can happen. On the other hand, serendipitous things can take place. Take the call. Follow up. Give yourself permission to move toward it. A friend of mine was the 4th piano player called to work on a project ~ he was laying home, feeling miserable and sorry for himself ~ about to give up on his dream of making a living as a musician. He answered the phone to find someone calling him with a request to go work on a project that needed a pianist. He got up, got dressed and went. The project ended up changing his life. Mercury Neptune is invitations in disguise. So answer the mail. Open the door. Return the phone call.
Last and most important, the Sun aspects the Finger of God ~ Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto this week. When Mercury aspected them the Pope quit and lightning struck the Vatican. When Mars aspected them, an asteroid fell to earth and one flew by kind of close! This week the Sun aspects the the Finger of God. As the brightest and biggest light in our solar system, when Sun comes to set Jupiter off on Monday and Saturn and Pluto off, one two, on Friday, we can expect a particularly amazing set of days. I keep talking about evolution and that Finger of God above our heads so THIS week as the Sun squares Jupiter, trines Saturn and sextiles Pluto we actually FIGURE OUT WHERE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EVOLVE. And maybe even HOW to evolve! And if we dont figure it out, we are certainly going to see something mighty big and important this week as the Sun lights up the Finger.
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