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What Now?
The Pleiadians say that though we now have uninterrupted access to this exalted state of BEing, we of course still need to wait for our denser bodies (emotional/physical) to catch up
no surprise there. And this is what we are doing now during this transition period that will apparently be in effect until the March equinox. For those on this journey a long time, no doubt you are well versed in the process of integration
first, the arrival of a new vibration and the bliss that accompanies the enormous spiritual and mental body expansion. Then comes the emotional clearing (read: plummeting), and the physical mutation (read: pain) required to release any fear based programs/memories lodged in our lower bodies/cells.
The ongoing emotional clearing & physical mutation has been happening for many of us for multiple years, intensifying acutely in 1999, and (I am told) will complete in 2013 for a large percentage of those reading this. For some (especially indigos, bluerays & starseed walk-ins), honoring this transformation process translated into a prolonged period of solitude, and in some cases, isolation and even physical incapacitation so that the cellular changeover to our divine template could take place. And this was no joke
the heightened stimulation of the external world was so overwhelming to these sensitive souls that often the only choice was to stay in the self-created safe space of home
for years and years.
This process has been nothing short of a g o n i z i n g for those held captive within it, and no one but those going thru the intense metamorphosis/physical mutation can or will understand the journey to arrive here. Having said all that, the Pleiadian councils assure us that we are already beginning to turn our VERY inward journey, outward
that we have indeed arrived, even if it (temporarily) feels otherwise.