originated from "alternative" or natural, means. Our hunters and gatherers from as far back as prehistoric times learned the power of plants for their medicine by tasting and testing.
the world has not always been able to provide pills made in a laboratory. Natural medicine had a place in history, and it has a place in current times.
Here's the thing, you can't patent that which is grown in nature, and natural medicine cannot be reproduced (each crop or wild gathering is different due to climate conditions) and therefore, big business cannot profit from it.
It is America who is on the the short end of the stick here - most other countries in this interesting world of ours embrace alternative medicine and methods and find them extremely beneficial. Those who have a mindset such as those who post negative comments in DU... well, they are operating out of fear, not love.
I teach classes on therapeutic grade essential oils, supplements and energy. The only side effect I have ever seen happen is that the person actually feels better. The Creator in its wisdom, provided us everything we need to survive and treat our human conditions in the form of the plant kingdom and the sea below us. We have been given the keys - they are right here.
I support Western medicine where needed. I believe that man-made and natural can co-exist and both can have a place in our life. The world is evolving - all this "man made, chemical based medicine" is becoming less and less effective. All of a sudden we see commercials about how lavender will calm our systems (for example). Things are going to change because our new generations are not as fear based as the older generations. It is up to us to pass on the knowledge, just as the Shamen passed on their knowledge.
Both of my grandchildren and my daughter know what oils to grab for different conditions. They keep us healthy, they keep our home healthy.
I don't worry about those who strike out from ignorance, it is a part of our society unfortunately. Align yourself with like-minded people who appreciate the knowledge and are excited about the possibilities!
Those folks who would call themselves "skeptics", and who can be so hateful and condescending if anyone dares mention an alternative method - many times those are the people who end up calling me for help when they have exhausted all of their "lab-based", western medicine options and nothing has worked.
Shine on,