if you have some light to spare, please send it to Pollyanna, for a gentle passage [View all]
over the Rainbow Bridge.
Polly came to me from the shelter 7 years ago with an undiagnosed liver disease. I had thought she would leave a couple years ago, but when Luna came she found a new purpose in teaching him how to properly treat a kitty. The year before last, I found her strutting around looking very proud of herself, only to discover that after several years retirement, she had unexpectedly dispatched a mouse.
In the past year she has looked increasingly unkempt (she is very old), and now I believe is in liver failure. She stopped eating more than a couple mouthfuls of dinner a couple weeks ago, although was still cleaning up her breakfast. Then a couple days ago, she stopped eating altogether. Tonight, she only touched her nose to her warm water. She is very frail, although still stretches up to be petted. This morning I could still hear her purring, but not so much tonight. I did see her walk to the sunny side of the barn on my way to work, so she spent a least some time napping in the sun. Tonight, Jake, Luna and Dahli all joined me in petting and nuzzling her. I think she is down to her last days, if not hours... She is a very good kitty and I am sure Algiers will be there to greet her.