Because as frustrating as your day-to-day issues are, they really are pretty small in the overall scheme of things. Right now, Saturn the teacher is leaving Libra, planet of relationships. It's time for the final step in evolving your closest relationships.
I'd also look at this as a time to get out of the house and go for long walks to escape the chaos at home, restore some inner peace, gratitude that you have a working bathroom while the other is unavailable, and a part time job to buy a new car. It is a beautiful time of year and teevee is vastly overrated.
You don't have to look as far as Afghanistan to see people who have it far worse than you right now. You can look at your neighbors (including those here on ASAH) to find people who are struggling just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table for themselves and their families.
I presume you have a 2nd bathroom and don't have to go someplace else to pee, poop or shower, right? Right now I'm afraid to go to the bathroom at home. I realized recently that I'd seriously lost track of time and am way overdue to have my septic pumped. But am juggling bills and afraid to spend the money to have it pumped. Because....
My part-time job, on which my furfamily and I depend to survive, is disappearing out from under me with no jobs available locally, especially now that the summer tourist season is over.
And my ancient civic, with 220,000 miles on it, will need work to get through inspection in December, if it doesn't need work before then. And again, no money to pay for it.
So count your blessings! It sounds like your husband is the primary breadwinner, so it's not surprising if he feels he should get final say on major purchases. Not saying that is right, fair or sensible....just may be where his thinking is stuck.