Anne Ortelee -- weekly weather 9/17 [View all]
Important info re: the week in general and the upcoming Pluto/Uranus opposition.
It is a moment of choice. A turning point. A huge decision. A call to action. A moment of truth. It also is a bit of a do-over as Uranus and Pluto have regressed back to this degree after their first Uranus/Pluto square at 8:23 in June. People with Uranus and Pluto in ANY type of aspect in their chart will feel the energy very strongly. Planets in our charts receiving the energy, because they are near 6:57 to 8:23, will definitely react. I would use a 2 to 3 degree orb ~ but the closer the bigger the energy experienced. And the tighter the natal aspect, the stronger the kickback, the bigger the recoil, the kick we receive. In each of our charts, look to natal Uranus and Plutos placement by sign and house to see WHERE we will be asked to evolve. Look to the Aquarian and Scorpio houses to see WHAT location in our life will be asked to change.
(aaack. my sun is at 6:35 Scorpio.)