First one is based on the belief that sometimes when we want something so bad, our unconscious or our dream will give it to us.
I'm going to use an example, but it's a poor example because it deals with an unsavory topic and yours is a rather sweet and delicate need, however, I'll go ahead and relate it.
I used to facilitate smoking cessation courses for the American Lung Association. I would take a group of people through a six-eight week process of quitting. A week or so after quitting, participants in the process would come to the meetings and tell about their dreams of smoking. They were puzzled by this, as they genuinely did want to quit smoking but their body was still addicted to the nicotine and their subconscious may have had other thoughts about their quitting. Thus the dream.
So one thought is that you really want this experience with this person and your dream is giving it to you.
Another possibility is this: that you are sensing an actual experience you are having with this person in another dimension.
Some theories of the multiverse go like this: there is no time and we are experiencing everything at once. However, because with our limited sensory experience as we are here on this earth, we cannot handle seeing it happen all at once. However, on occasions, it does come through our experience.
I heard a guest on C2C discussing this once and she told about how she'd learn to skip from dimension to dimension and see what was going on in each scenario. She did mention how she did it within the context of a male-female relationship.
So perhaps in another dimension you are with this person and your dream is letting you see that.