You shalt not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is under the water of the earth - (Exodus 20:4)
According to the Ten Commandments, art, therefore, is more dangerous than murder - Leonard Shlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)
Jewish law forbids the making of any graven images of the kind. Even the Jews of the present time will not permit any sculptured figures to be set up as monuments - James Hewitt Brown (Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy)
What are graven images? They are pictures. They are images of the gods or, more correctly, of the archetypes. Ireland, Egypt, and India were covered with such images, and all ancient cultures understood the mother tongue of Spirit was symbolism. They also understood the night sky was the tablet on which the "gods" communicated to initiated men who knew how to correctly decipher and interpret what was transmitted.
In order for the Solar Cult to successfully supersede and eradicate Stellar and Lunar Cults, there had to be an all-out prohibition against iconic images. This blatant act of colonization had several motivations. It served to suppress and eventually eradicate the pagans and their ways, and also allowed their destroyers to appropriate and pervert their symbolic canon. In other words, the archive of symbols that once served to uplift the soul of man now serves the opposite purpose.
This is really the basis of all problems today with the xtians. How to change the paradigm? That is the question.