How white spirituality, religious or not, allows racism to grow [View all]
From the article:
I spent years in evangelical Christianity, and though I still consider myself a follower of Jesus, my faith is far more expansive and pluralistic than it once was. As a curious mystic, I have delved into other realms and other religions in search of that sneakiest of things called Truth, and on my journeying I have found something disturbing: White people love to use our spirituality to ignore the very real plight of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community.
To be honest, if it wasnt for my recent forays into the study of race and specifically whiteness, I probably wouldnt have noticed this subtle gaslighting that both the Christian and the New Age worlds perform against our Black and brown siblings. Its encased in the lexicon of religiosity, God, and the superiority of all things spiritual.
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