the loss of over 60 of its priests in attempting to still have services...after 60 deaths, they stopped the practice (masses etc., probably went online I am guessing, I don't really know if they did). This was at the beginning of the CV epidemic in Italy (and of course we all know what happened in Italy...massive number of deaths).
I guess that these religious services are going to be a hotbed of continued infections among cities in the US, being that they ranted and raved about not getting to have their services in person (religious services seem to have wide open approval across the US on continuing to hold in-house services). I think that if anything, this is going to drive yet even more people away from the church, being that they are so disrespectful of life, of their church members, that they're willing to kill for it, in order to still stay open (and this is still despite all of the preparations churches undertook to filter out the infected members (methods failed miserably)).
I suspect that these churches will be sued (I would, being that they placed their members in harms' way).
Churches aren't the only culprits either. Bars, and other gathering places for crowds are gaining reputations for Covid 19 infections in quite a few states too (governors at rump's urging reopened despite medical advice to not reopen so 'widely' yet). I hope that lawsuits will flow like water and bankrupt everyone of these republican-dominated governors, for (1) not listening to the medical experts (2) putting money over lives first (where is the concept of the 'public good'?).
Update (from DU article today (June 15, 2020)): Bars in Florida, Texas, and Arizona close after employees tested positive amid spike in new coronavirus cases