They're good, very good. They have won the national championship or been the national runner-up five times in the past eight years. They have won the Big 12 championship for (I think) eight straight years, and haven't even lost a single Big 12 game in more than two years. Those are dynasty numbers.
BUT, it seems like every time I see one of them or their coach interviewed on TV, she always says something like, "I always give all the glory to God." Or something similar. Many of the players put that black stuff under their eyes to cut down on glare in the shape of a cross. It seems like every player and assistant coach on that team has to be religious, and openly and publicly so. I'm sure they have group prayers in the locker room, and everybody has to participate. That's the University of Oklahoma, a public tax-supported institution.
SO, what I always wonder about that team is:
What would happen if an atheist were on that team?
Would she be ostracized and shunned by her coach and teammates?
Would the coach not attempt to recruit a highly desired blue chip player if she were an atheist or an agnostic?
Just wonderin'.
-- Ron