example, here is a prayer to St. Teresa of Ávila:
O Saint Teresa, seraphic Virgin, beloved spouse of thy crucified Lord, thou who on earth didst burn with a love so intense toward thy God and my God, and now dost glow with a brighter and purer flame in paradise: obtain for me also, I beseech thee, a spark of that same holy fire which shall cause me to forget the world, all things created, and even myself; for thou didst ever avidly desire to see Him loved by all men. Grant that my every thought and desire and affection may be continually directed to doing the will of God, the supreme Good, wheter I am in joy or in pain, for He is worthy to be loved and obeyed forever. Obtain for me this grace, thou who art so powerful with God; may I be all on fire, like thee, with the holy love of God. Amen.
And I imagine there are similar prayers for the others that you mentioned.
Personally, when I pray, I tend not to recite "official prayers" with the exception of the prayers associated with the rosary. Usually I just pray/talk as I would to someone right in front of me...but I know other Catholics who prefer the written prayers.
Thank you for a chance to discuss this - wishing you well and peace!