Michele Bachmann: Climate Change is a 'fraud' because God promised Noah there'd be no more floods [View all]
I would encourage pastors to start preaching on this issue of climate change and Gods view of climate change, Bachmann told host Jan Markell in an audio clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. The very covenant was established by God and Noah. And that covenant was that sin was so gross in the world that God had to bring about judgment, and then he had to bring about salvation, and from there came Abraham.
God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of his covenant and he said very clearly to the entire world, Never again will there be judgment, never again will the world be flooded, Bachman added.
According to Bachmann, when it comes to Gods word, you can take it to the bank.
And what is it these frauds tells us with climate change? she said. That the worlds going to be flooded. Isnt it interesting theyre saying its going to be another catastrophe, its flooding, were going to be flooded? God says we will never be flooded.
Well if the far right religious loon Michelle says it it must be true...
Of course, this is a real problem, because this is the bollocks that give Trump cover to pull all of his environmental nasty.