Scribes tried to blot her out. Now a scholar is trying to recover the real Mary Magdalene. [View all]
From the article:
On Monday (July 22), the feast day of Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth Schrader will hike up a mountain in the south of France to the cave where, legend has it, the saint lived out her remaining days after the crucifixion of Jesus....
Schrader, a doctoral student at Duke University, has her own way of honoring the woman who witnessed Jesus death and resurrection. Schraders academic work, like that of others, attempts to liberate Magdalene from the patriarchal overlays of ancient Christian scribes who recorded the New Testaments four Gospels.
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There is much more, but the point Ms. Schrader makes is that patriarchy seems to have motivated the actions of early Church leaders and scribes as they eliminated the significance of Mary Magdalene to the work of Jesus.