Sign at "Friendship" Baptist Church in VA: "America: Love or Leave It" [View all]
Sign at Friendship Baptist Church in VA: America: Love or Leave It
By Sarahbeth Caplin, July 18, 2019
There are churches that preach kindness and tolerance.
This isnt one of them.
The badly misnamed Friendship Baptist Church in Appomattox, Virginia put one of the most infamous MAGA-isms on the board outside their building, echoing Donald Trumps racist demands for four congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from never mind that all four are legal American citizens and three were born in the U.S.
The sign says: America: Love or Leave It.
Furthermore, this love it or leave it rhetoric is completely ignorant of biblical history. Its like theyve forgotten, or are selectively ignoring, how Jesus and his parents were once refugees in a foreign land. Much like the immigrants from south of the border, they had to flee their homeland when their lives were in danger. The entire Jewish faith is predicated on the escape from slavery into freedom in a new promised land. And there are too many Bible verses to count about the importance of loving the immigrant and the strangers among us.
But those things would only matter to someone whos read the Bible.
White evangelicalism stopped being about Jesus a long time ago. Its been warped into a synonym for white nationalism.