How the Catholic Church has made AIDS worse and killed millions. [View all]
Condoms and HIV/AIDS in the Philippines
Condoms have long been a flashpoint for controversy in the Philippines, a country that is nearly 85 percent Catholic and is heavily influenced in its AIDS policy by the Vatican. Since the early 1990s, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has issued official statements vilifying condoms, campaigned against legislation that would expand condom access, and levied personal attacks against government officials who favor inclusion of condoms in HIV prevention programs.14 The secretary of health under former President Fidel Ramos, now Senator Juan Flavier, was denounced as an agent of Satan by the former archbishop of Manila, Jamie Cardinal Sin, for pursuing a bold strategy of condom promotion in the 1990s.15 At a public rally in 1994, the pro-life cardinal reportedly threatened to tie a millstone around [Flaviers] neck and drop him in the middle of Manila Bay.16 When Flavier distributed condoms to journalists covering President Ramos 1992 trip to Thailand, conservative Senator Francisco Tatad accused him of promoting promiscuity, lechery, adultery, and sexual immorality and called for his resignation.17 As recently as 2001, Cardinal Sin issued a pastoral exhortation entitled Subtle Attacks Against Family and Life, in which he referred to the naturally occurring minute pores present in all latex materials and stated that the condom corrupts and weakens people . . . destroys families and individuals . . . and spreads promiscuity.18
Worth a read, covers multiple regions and has citations for days.