...for DARING not to believe. My folks just let us believe how we wanted to but they still pushed us to go to church... even in our teen years when they both quit going. We (my 2 sisters and me) only went because of the boys. There was another family of 5 girls we were great friends with..and still are (im close to 70). We did the Sunday School thing (Calvary Baptist) as kids and the youth meetings (First Christian Church) as early teens. Most my first crushes were on boys in church and youth group. I had the biggest crush on a boy named Robbie..he was a high school Senior and LOVED to do all the girls hair. He later died of Aids.
That must have been a difficult time for him.
We didnt get 'Baptized' until we were in our early teens. It meant nothing to me...more of a messy inconvenience...the whole dunking thing. But mom and dad were now reassured I wouldnt go to hell I guess...so it was for them.
God was never a part of our so called 'religious upbringing'...except in the presentations and we always talked during those times. It was a socialization thing and taught us not to cuss out loud in public and stuff like that. Once we were old enuff to make up our minds I quit going. The only times i go into a church building now is for a funeral or wedding. I respectfully close my eyes during prayers and what not.
I Went from saying i didnt believe in organized religion (high school)..which was met with loud GASPS from friends...to agnostic to grad school where i finally said fuck it im atheist.
Hubbys like me but was raised as Catholic so a lot of guilt survives.
My 2 sisters went on to both become Mormon, then Episcopalian then one went on to become Jewish and the other a Trumper right to life Catholic. Go figure.
....But.. like all my friends in college said..'If God/Jesus, whoever, landed smack down in front of me..hell yes...i would believe...in ALIENS!