An Atheist's Guide to Avoiding Persecution of Theists [View all]
It's incredibly easy to make theists think you are persecuting them. Here are ten things you might do that can lead to such incorrect thinking. If you wish to avoid being accused of persecuting theists, please do try to avoid these 10 behaviors:
1. Not attending their religious services.
2. Admitting that you do not believe that their deity or any deity exists.
3. Looking around aimlessly with eyes wide open when prayers are offered at public gatherings.
4. Politely objecting to being proselytized or evangelized by strangers.
5. Defending others if they are being treated badly on religious grounds.
6. Insisting on equal treatment under the law for everyone, regardless of religious beliefs.
7. Politely stating your objection to religion being taught in schools in place of evidence-based facts.
8. Objecting to unlawful behavior by priests, pastors, ministers and other religious leaders.
9. Politely defending your positions when discussing religious beliefs, politics, or science.
10. Asking about conflicts between people's stated religious beliefs and their behavior.