Religion, is it a force for good or a force for evil? [View all]
Good points: Charity, personal peace, joy and comfort for those who believe. Inspiration, hope, a sense of belonging to a community. A sense of purpose. Religion can help organise thought. It helps form a basis for moral and ethical codes. Religion brought us music and good teaching. Belief in the afterlife can ease suffering after the death of a loved one. Looking at that list, a lot of it is more about faith than religion. Religion doesn't give you peace, faith does? Maybe?
Bad points: Makes people judgemental, it can lead to intolerance of those people who partake in 'evil' things. Inspires war, hate, intolerance, bigotry. Makes people believe that everyone should act just like them and it can overly define right from wrong. It excludes people. It is often dated, not quick to move 'with-the-times. Religion can over-regulate with stupid rules for the faithful to ensure power and control over them and allow them to condemn others who are not just like them.
So - religion a force for good or evil?