The campaign to insert Christianity into our government has been going on since the 1950s. First, they got "under god" into the Pledge of Allegiance. Then they got "in God we trust" on our currency. Those successes have emboldened the fundamentalist Christians into attempting to do more and more at every opportunity. More liberal Christians go along with it because, "What harm can that do?"
When I was a teenager, in the early 1960s, I saw the impact of religion in an odd place. The Roman Catholic Church had successfully convinced the State of California that condoms were an evil thing and should be tightly controlled. At that time, every package of even a single condom had printed on it, "FOR PREVENTION OF DISEASE ONLY!" They could be purchased only at the pharmacy counter, and only by people over the age of 21. Why was this? Because the RCC opposed contraception. That was the only reason. Cross the border into Arizona, and there were condom machines in every gas station restroom.
Abortion? Same-sex marriage? Marriages performed by non-religious officiants? Organized Christians officially fought against all those things. And they won most of the time for years and years, because "Why does that even matter?" was the question other Christians thoughtlessly asked.
And it continues today in backwards states. The push is still on to return to religious rule of everyday life. If we turn away and lose our focus, we lose yet another battle with the religionists.