The Sanctity of the Confessional - How It Should Work: [View all]
"Father, forgive me, for I have sinned. It has been five days since my last confession."
"What is your sin, my son?"
"I have engaged in sexual activity with a child, Father."
"As a priest, how could you do such a thing? I must tell you that I cannot grant you absolution for such a heinous act. To obtain absolution, you must confess your sin to the police, resign your position as a priest, and face your legal punishment. When you have done all those things, I will grant you absolution, but not before. Do you understand?"
"But, Father, I am sorry for my act and ask forgiveness. I will do whatever penance you assign."
"You have heard my conditions, my son. Such a sin goes far beyond what a simple penance can exculpate. It is a grave evil you have done. Until you confess to the legal authorities, there can be no forgiveness, nor absolution. Your very soul is in mortal danger. Act soon to confess your crime and accept your punishment. You may not act as a priest any longer. You are a vicious predator, not a shepherd. Do as I say, and then confess again afterward, and I will grant absolution, but not until then. Go now, and do what is right."